We want to hear from you!
Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care wants to hear about your experience. Your feedback can help us do more of what we are doing well and improve where we can do better.
The Patient Relations Office will listen to your feedback and work to answer your questions and resolve your concerns. Whenever possible, you are encouraged to ask questions and raise concerns directly with the person providing the care or service. This way, you don't have to repeat your story and will get a response or feedback right away.
If you are unable to ask directly, or if that approach has not met your expectations, feel free to contact our Patient Relations Officer. Your request will be acknowledged promptly and you will be kept informed as we work through your question or concern.
If you are more comfortable speaking with a peer (someone who has personal experience with mental health problems, or someone who is a family member of someone with mental health problems) you may also contact the Patient/Client and Family Council. The Patient Relations Officer works closely with the Patent/Client and Family Council and we can assure you that your feedback will be reviewed promptly.
Your feedback will be forwarded to the right person. If you provide a compliment to particular program or employee, the Patient Relations Officer will make sure they hear about it! If you express dissatisfaction, your feedback will be directed to the right area, closest to where the care was provided, so we can investigate your concern and make improvements as needed.
You may leave anonymous feedback, which can be taken into consideration in our planning, but we will not be able to contact you for more details. The Patient Relations Officer keeps track of all the feedback we receive and a full report is provided to our Board of Directors. This way, we keep your experience of care at the center of our work.
Thanks for sharing!
Helpful Links
Declaration of Recovery Values
Patient/Client Safety: A Guide for Patients and Families
Feedback/Concern/Complaints poster
Provincial Patient Ombudsman